- Uses MQ9 Sensor to measure Carbonmonoxide and flammable gases
- MQ135 Sensor for air quality, measuring C6H6, NH3, sulfide and other substances
- Neopixel ring displays current status with different color zones
- Moodlight function adapts Color temperature to current time of the day via wifi
- Neopixelring (WS2812b) 40 leds (63mm OD)
- Neopixelring (WS2812b) 32 leds (52mm OD)
- Momentary pushbutton with LED with 6mm OD
- Hohlsteckerbuchse 5,5mm OD
- ESP32 nodemcu
- 5V PSU with 5,5mm
- Transparent PLA or PETG for the diffusor (printed with tight infill with a wavy pattern)
- MQ9 and MQ135 Sensors or any sensor with OD of 10mm
- Small piece of protoboard (Lochrasterplatine) for wiring
- Solder the two Pixelrings together
- Voltage Parallel
- "Dout" of the 42 pixelring to "Din" of the 32 pixel ring
- Din of the first ring together with the Power supply to the ESPcase (Pins in sketch)
- Wire the sensors with VCC and GND to the supplyprotoboard all parallel.
- Wire the anlog out of the sensors MQ9 and MQ135 to Pin 33 and 35 of the ESP32
- 300 -400 Ohm Resistor on Neopixel DIN signal
- 1000uF capacitor parallel to powersupply
- Wire Pin D5 to the momenatary switch and the other pin to ground
- Wire Pin D18 to the switch LED and ground (mine didn´t need a resistor)